AdministrationGwangju Guiding Principles for a Human Rights City

1 Jun 2020
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2014 World Human Rights Cities Forum

15-18 May 2014 / Gwangju, Republic of Korea

Gwangju Guiding Principles for a Human Rights City (Gwangju Principles)

adopted on 17 May 2014.

We, participants of the 2014 World Human Rights Cities Forum (WHRCF) held in Gwangju, Korea on 16-18 May 2014,

1. Reaffirming that human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated,

2. Recognizing that all levels of governments national, regional and local, has an obligation to protect, respect and fulfill all human rights in their own mandate and competence,

3. Recognizing that human rights city is an urban community that applies the human rights-based approach to urban governance,

4. Recognizing that human rights city is an open and participatory process where all actors are engaged in the decision-making and implementation process to improve quality of life in the urban context,

5. Recognizing that human rights city is a framework to cultivate an inclusive and equitable city based on human rights standards,

6. Recognizing that human rights city has a specific responsibility to implement a human rights-based approach to municipal governance while recognizing different forms and functions in each country in accordance with its constitution and legal system,

7. Recognizing that the right to the city is a strategic tool for people to realize their rights to enjoy a decent life through their active participation in urban context,

8. Recognizing that the right to the city take into account the common interests for socially just and environmentally balanced use of urban space over the individual right to property,

9. Recognizing the right to the city ensures full access to basic services including food, education, housing, energy, mobility as well as public facilities that are adequate, affordable, acceptable and adaptable,

10.Bearing in mind that the Gwangju Guiding Principles for a Human Rights City (hereafter “Gwangju Principles”) is an outcome of a series of consultation meetings held at the WHRCF held in 2012 and 2013 among local Korean and international experts,

11.Bearing in mind that the Gwangju Principles identifies key components of a human rights city in terms of values, principles, institutions, and policy implementation, 

12.Recognizing that the Gwangju Principles is an instrument to deepen the commitments to the vision and commitments of the human rights city as articulated at the WHRCF in Gwangju, Korea since 2011,

13.Recognizing that the Gwangju Principles is a guide for policy-formulation to implement the Gwangju Human Rights Charter adopted in May 2012,

14.Recognizing that the Gwangju Principles is a living document that is to be implemented and revised progressively and regularly,

Hereby adopt the following principles as the Gwangju Guiding Principles for a Human Rights City,

Please find out the file attached for more content.

1-2F, 5, Jungang-ro 196beon-gil, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61475, South Korea
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1-2F, 5, Jungang-ro 196beon-gil, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61475, South Korea
Tel: +82-62-226-2734
Fax: +82-62-226-2731
Copyright WHRCF All rights reserved.