The Role of a Social Economy in Ensuring Safety and Transition in the Age of Climate Crisis
Lee Yoo-jin [Korea, Institute for Green Transformation]
The climate crisis is looming large as the biggest threat facing humanity. Are we preparing ourselves well to navigate through the crisis together? Since disadvantaged social groups suffer disproportionately from the adverse effects of the climate crisis, measures to protect those most vulnerable and to quickly recover from the impacts of climate shocks are essential. Then what is the best approach that can be taken by local governments, local communities, and autonomous resident organizations in building social infrastructure to strengthen climate resilience?
Do the production and consumption methods help reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Does the economic system help local communities strengthen climate resilience? Alternative economies that satisfy all these requirements will naturally converge to a community-based social economy where only those goods and services essential to the lives of citizens are produced at the local level in a way to strengthen the resilience of local communities
The Role of a Social Economy in Ensuring Safety and Transition in the Age of Climate Crisis
Lee Yoo-jin [Korea, Institute for Green Transformation]
The climate crisis is looming large as the biggest threat facing humanity. Are we preparing ourselves well to navigate through the crisis together? Since disadvantaged social groups suffer disproportionately from the adverse effects of the climate crisis, measures to protect those most vulnerable and to quickly recover from the impacts of climate shocks are essential. Then what is the best approach that can be taken by local governments, local communities, and autonomous resident organizations in building social infrastructure to strengthen climate resilience?
Do the production and consumption methods help reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Does the economic system help local communities strengthen climate resilience? Alternative economies that satisfy all these requirements will naturally converge to a community-based social economy where only those goods and services essential to the lives of citizens are produced at the local level in a way to strengthen the resilience of local communities