Advancement of International norms on Climate Crisis and Gender Equality
OH Kyungjin Executive Director, Korea Women's Associations United
Feminists have long recognized that environmental issue is deeply linked to gender discrimination even before the emergence of climate crisis as a social agenda. They also have proposed that social structural reform based on gender-oriented analysis is needed in order to cope with the issue. As a result, cross contents between climate and gender issues started to be incorporated in the international norms related to women’s human rights, and environment and climate sectors, of which trend is gradually expanding and advancing.
Furthermore, they call that gender-oriented analysis has to be more visualized in climate crisis discussion especially on industrialized global consumption and militarism beyond private and daily lives.
Advancement of International norms on Climate Crisis and Gender Equality
OH Kyungjin Executive Director, Korea Women's Associations United
Feminists have long recognized that environmental issue is deeply linked to gender discrimination even before the emergence of climate crisis as a social agenda. They also have proposed that social structural reform based on gender-oriented analysis is needed in order to cope with the issue. As a result, cross contents between climate and gender issues started to be incorporated in the international norms related to women’s human rights, and environment and climate sectors, of which trend is gradually expanding and advancing.
Furthermore, they call that gender-oriented analysis has to be more visualized in climate crisis discussion especially on industrialized global consumption and militarism beyond private and daily lives.