2021Presentation at Side Event of Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD)

3 Feb 2021
Views 1582

Presentation at Side Event of Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) 

The ‘Cross-sector approaches for local actors on migrants’ inclusion’ session held on January 25th as the side event for the 13th Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) which held from January 18th to 26th. Gwangju participated as the representative of Gwangju at UNESCO’s invitation and its capacity of lead city of UNESCO's Asia-Pacific Coalition of Cities Against Discrimination (APCAD).

Shin Gyonggu, director of Gwangju International Center, introduced the history of May 18th Democratic Movement in Gwangju in 1980 and current state of human rights-friendly policies and human rights education in Gwangju. And he emphasized the World Human Rights Cities Forum is the platform that allows various human rights cities to share each other’s cases and build networks. He also put emphasis on that the challenges facing Korea regarding migrants and refugees should be approached from an inclusive policy perspective so that they can adapt to the society. 

Please click here to watch the full video of the session. 

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