The 11th WHRCF Planning Committee Meeting
The 11th World Human Rights Cities Forum Planning Committee meeting was held on February 26 online.
The Planning Committee which consists of 15 people including human rights experts and local activists, shared opinions on date, theme and programs of this year's forum.
In particular, the committee discussed how to encourage the participation of citiziens and expand the human rights cities' network while suggesting the specific measures to cooperate with national and international organizations.
First, in order to increase civic participation, the committee decided to promote projects that allow citizens to practice human rights in their daily lives.
In addition, with regard to the enactment of the "Basic Law on Human Rights Policy" being pursued by the Ministry of Justice, a new program will be organized to prepare a consultation system with the provincial government.
Besides, the forum will discuss the establishment of the "Guideline for Human Rights City" at the level of United Nations, and continue to have consultation meeting about the Human Rights City Certification System.
The 11th WHRCF Planning Committee Meeting
The 11th World Human Rights Cities Forum Planning Committee meeting was held on February 26 online.
The Planning Committee which consists of 15 people including human rights experts and local activists, shared opinions on date, theme and programs of this year's forum.
In particular, the committee discussed how to encourage the participation of citiziens and expand the human rights cities' network while suggesting the specific measures to cooperate with national and international organizations.
First, in order to increase civic participation, the committee decided to promote projects that allow citizens to practice human rights in their daily lives.
In addition, with regard to the enactment of the "Basic Law on Human Rights Policy" being pursued by the Ministry of Justice, a new program will be organized to prepare a consultation system with the provincial government.
Besides, the forum will discuss the establishment of the "Guideline for Human Rights City" at the level of United Nations, and continue to have consultation meeting about the Human Rights City Certification System.