2023Call for Papers - Human Rights Paper Session (CLOSED)

21 Jun 2023
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Call for Papers

Human Rights Paper Session

○ Theme: Inclusive Cities and Human Rights

○Sub-themes: undocumented migrants, access to services (e.g. energy, healthcare), climate justice, the role of the third sector, persons with disabilities, minority groups, measurement of urban inclusivity


The Chonnam National University Center for Regional Development, the International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels under the auspices of UNESCO, the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security, University of Graz, and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law are co-hosting a special session titled “Human Rights Paper Session” as a part of the 13th World Human Rights Cities Forum (WHRCF), being held in Gwangju, South Korea from the 4th to the 7th of October, 2023.

We are inviting paper submissions to be presented related to the present call on “Inclusive Cities and Human Rights”, which will also include papers related to the sub-themes “undocumented migrants, access to services (e.g. energy, healthcare), climate justice, the role of the third sector, persons with disabilities, minority groups, and measurement of urban inclusivity”.

Selected papers will be presented on-site during the WHRCF. Presenters will also be invited to submit their papers for consideration in the December 2023 issue of “The Studies in Regional Development (SRD)”, a peer reviewed, Korean Citation Index (KCI) indexed journal that is published by the Center for Regional Development, Chonnam National University.

○ Important Dates

  - Abstract Submission Deadline                                  July 28, 2023

  - Acceptance notification                                             August 1, 2023S

  - Paper Submission Deadline                                     September 15, 2023

  - Presentation Material Submission Deadline         September 31, 2023

  - Paper Presentation at the 13th WHRCF                 October 5, 2023 / 09:30-11:30 KST


○ Application

  Submit an abstract (not exceeding 500 words) to the following email address:

  Please, notice that the following information must be included in your submission:

  - The author’s name and affiliation;

  - A short biography (100 words) to be included in the abstract itself;

  - The author’s CV, including a relevant list of publications (maximum 800 words);

  - The author’s contact details, including email address and telephone numbers;

  - All information should be submitted in MS-Word format.    

○ Full Paper Submission

Selected authors should submit the advance draft of their papers prior to the Forum. Papers should be at least 2,000 words, not counting the bibliography, and they should follow the APA stylesheet in MS-Word format. The deadline for submission of the advance draft is September 15, 2023.

○ Paper Presentation at the Forum

 - Accommodation costs (3 nights) will be covered for presenters coming from abroad.

1-2F, 5, Jungang-ro 196beon-gil, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61475, South Korea
Tel: +82-62-226-2734 │ Fax: +82-2-226-2731 │ E-mail:
Copyright WHRCF All rights reserved.

1-2F, 5, Jungang-ro 196beon-gil, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61475, South Korea
Tel: +82-62-226-2734
Fax: +82-62-226-2731
Copyright WHRCF All rights reserved.