2023Sign up for a tour you are interested in now!

31 Aug 2023
Views 606

The Forum offers tours to give participants a more meaningful experience.

Check out the details below to join the tour you are interested in!

*All tours are free and pre-registration is required.


● Human Rights Tour Ⅰ

Human Rights Tour will offer a chance to travel back to May 1980, a critical juncture of the Korean modern history in which people fought and struggled for democratization. Human Rights Tour I will give participants the opportunity to visit historical sites of the May 18 Democratization Movement, listening to stories from the time and taking a moment to remember the victims. ※ This tour is only avaliable to invited participants.

If you want to learn more about the tour click here! 

● Human Rights Tour Ⅱ

Human Rights Tour II will give its participants the chance to take a look at the May 18 Liberty Park and have conversation with survivors who participated in the Democratization Movement.

If you want to learn more about the tour click here!

1-2F, 5, Jungang-ro 196beon-gil, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61475, South Korea
Tel: +82-62-226-2734 │ Fax: +82-2-226-2731 │ E-mail:
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1-2F, 5, Jungang-ro 196beon-gil, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61475, South Korea
Tel: +82-62-226-2734
Fax: +82-62-226-2731
Copyright WHRCF All rights reserved.